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Advanced replication and topography testing, with three servers.
- You will need at least 3 machines to do this testing but if you have more that is good too. Start on one server and perform an IPA Installation (see QA:Testcase_freeipa_trust_server_installation). Let's assume that first server was named srv1 ( Now set up the second machine as a replica named srv2, according to QA:Testcase_freeipa_replication (ensuring you pass --setup-ca). In this test, we will deploy a second replica named srv3, and run some further tests related to server topography.
How to test
- Following QA:Testcase_freeipa_replication again, deploy srv3 as a replica of srv2 - use --server
- This will result in a replication topology of: srv1 <-> srv2 <-> srv3
- Entries added on any of the three servers should appear on both of the others
- Test a replication failure, by shutting down srv2:
ipactl stop
- Now go on srv1 and create a new user:
ipa user-add --first=John --last=Doe jdoe
- Switch to srv3 and check that jdoe has not been replicated yet:
ipa user-show jdoe
- Expect the result ipa: ERROR: jdoe: user not found
- Go to srv2 and restart ipa:
ipactl start
- Verify that after a ipa is fully started on srv2 that the jdoe user is available:
ipa user-show jdoe
- Do the same on srv3 to verify that replication has been restored and all servers are now synchronized.
- Check the reported list of all replicating servers in your domain with
ipa-replica-manage list
- This should show srv1, srv2, and srv3
- Check which is the replication peers of srv2:
ipa-replica-manage list
- This should show srv1 and srv3; for srv1 and srv3 you should get the only srv2.
- Test creating a new replication link between srv1 and srv3. On srv1, run
ipa-replica-manage connect
- Now repeat the 'replication failure' test from above, with a different username; this time, even with srv2 down, the new user should appear on srv3 immediately.
- Test breaking the link between srv2 and srv3. On srv2, run
ipa-replica-manage disconnect
- Now run the 'replication failure' tests again, but taking down srv1, and making the changes on srv2. The changes should not be visible on srv3 until srv1 is up again.
- Test forcing an immediate synchronization: from srv1, run
ipa-replica-manage force-sync --from
- Test full re-initialization of a replica (sometimes necessary if compounded replication failures have occurred). From srv1, run
ipa-replica-manage re-initialize --from
- If you still have spare test machines available, you can now test installing clients via the realm CLI, kickstart and/or cockpit. Test enrolling clients against all servers, and verify they work as expected whichever servers are up.
- Test removing and decommissioning a replica.
- On srv1:
ipa-replica-manage del
- On srv1:
ipa-csreplica-manage del
- On srv3:
ipa-server-install --uninstall
- On srv1:
Expected Results
- All enrolments should complete successfully with no errors.
- The test commands should show the expected output and results noted above; all commands not explicitly expected to fail should succeed.
- Client tests should succeed (according to their own expected results) as long as either server is available (assuming appropriate DNS configuration).
- Replica removal/decommissioning should work smoothly; the remaining servers should continue to work as expected, and should not attempt to synchronize with srv3 anymore. srv3 should no longer attempt to act as a FreeIPA server in any way.