From Fedora Project Wiki
Qrencode is a utility software using libqrencode to encode string data in a QR Code and save as a PNG image.
This testcase will use Eye of Gnome to view the generated PNG barcodes. Additionally, to check that the barcode is correct you can either use a smart phone with a QR Decoder app or use the Online ZXing Decode tool.
How to test
- In a terminal, run the following commands:
- qrencode -l L -v 1 -o helloWorld.png 'Hello, world!'
- qrencode -l H -v 1 -o url.png ''
- For each of the PNG images execute: eog testimagename.png
Expected Results
- The image should load in the image viewer. Next check the image using a smart phone or the online tool referenced above.
- The helloWorld.png decode result should be 'Hello, world!'
- The url.png decode result should be ''