Ray Van Dolson
New to the Fedora Project (as a contributor). I have interest in the following:
- Building packages for inclusion in EPEL/Extras.
- Infrastructure
- remind
Moin Optimization
I am attempting to resolve some of the issues mentioned on Infrastructure/CommonProblems , specifically the page save times. Here are a few links to various parts of my effort:
- Infrastructure/RFR/MoinProfile
- http://fedorapeople.org/~rayvd/moin/
- http://wiki.bludgeon.org/FedoraProject/MoinOptimize
About Me
I'm a Linux/Unix/Network Administrator by trade. I live in Southern California and work for a large-ish Linux-friendly company.
I enjoy programming (scripting), SQL and finding ways to make it easier for the !SysAdmin to be able to be lazier. :)