Fedora Release Engineering Meeting :: Monday 2007-07-30
F8 Test 1 Status
- So far, not so good
- https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=F8Test1
- Blocker evaluation
- f13
1. 247863 is not; but I do believe we can find somebody with time to bang out a fix for this in short order. So while not a blocker, I'd really like to see this fixed as it is very visible. 1. 249597 is totally blocker (insta-reboot issue) 1. 249908 (adding extra repo at install time) not a blocker, just a /really/ nice to have. 1. 250047 is fixed with new policy, just need to clicky the buttons 1. 250130 is no pata support on ppc mac minis (potentially more ppc32 hardware).
- going to spin again this evening with the things we've fixed so far and sync that up too
Summary: Decision as to whether we need to slip Fedora 8 Test 1 will be made tomorrow.
Fedora 8 Test 1 - What to deliver
- Release Engineering will produce the following for Fedora 8 Test1
1. Fedora installable spin
- i386
- x86_64
- ppc
- source
1. Fedora {i386,x86_64} Live image 1. KDE {i386,x86_64 Live} image 1. Everything tree will be provided by standard Rawhide ("development") locations
IRC Transcript
![]() | <a href="#t13:01" class="time">13:01</a> | |
f13 | notting: poelcat: warren: rdieter: wwoods: jwb_gone: spot: ping | <a href="#t13:02" class="time">13:02</a> |
* notting is here | <a href="#t13:02" class="time">13:02</a> | |
* spot is here | <a href="#t13:02" class="time">13:02</a> | |
f13 | jeremy is on vacation, | <a href="#t13:02" class="time">13:02</a> |
rdieter | here (still) | <a href="#t13:02" class="time">13:02</a> |
f13 | ooh, /me notices rdieter here. | <a href="#t13:02" class="time">13:02</a> |
* wwoods here | <a href="#t13:02" class="time">13:02</a> | |
f13 | so Test 1 status. Doom-o-meter is scary high | <a href="#t13:03" class="time">13:03</a> |
f13 | Dell; still b0rked. | <a href="#t13:03" class="time">13:03</a> |
* warren here | <a href="#t13:03" class="time">13:03</a> | |
f13 | ppc ide; b0rked. | <a href="#t13:03" class="time">13:03</a> |
wwoods | not just confined to Dell anymore - someone reported the same problem on a toshiba laptop | <a href="#t13:03" class="time">13:03</a> |
warren | Any bug # for the Dell issue? Do we have ANY idea what's going on? | <a href="#t13:03" class="time">13:03</a> |
f13 | wheee | <a href="#t13:03" class="time">13:03</a> |
wwoods | warren: x86 setup code was rewritten post-2.6.22 | <a href="#t13:04" class="time">13:04</a> |
f13 | adding external repos at install time; b0rked (clumens is working on it now) | <a href="#t13:04" class="time">13:04</a> |
warren | wwoods, so in-kernel definitely? | <a href="#t13:04" class="time">13:04</a> |
notting | f13: in the ui, or in the backend (does ks work?) | <a href="#t13:04" class="time">13:04</a> |
wwoods | warren: definitely. bug #249597 | <a href="#t13:04" class="time">13:04</a> |
f13 | firstboot; b0rked in multiple ways (non-fatal traceback; won't launch if rhgb doesn't run) | <a href="#t13:04" class="time">13:04</a> |
f13 | notting: haven't tried ks. In the UI there is a traceback when it starts to add package objects to the transaction set. | <a href="#t13:05" class="time">13:05</a> |
f13 | We didn't have an installable rawhide until yesterday, we /still/ don't have an installable ppc rawhide, but those 4 users wouldn't notice anyway. | <a href="#t13:05" class="time">13:05</a> |
notting | do we have installable ppc test trees/ | <a href="#t13:06" class="time">13:06</a> |
f13 | yes | <a href="#t13:06" class="time">13:06</a> |
wwoods | Can I propose that the pre-Test1 freeze for each release from now on be, like, two weeks? | <a href="#t13:06" class="time">13:06</a> |
wwoods | Because damn. | <a href="#t13:06" class="time">13:06</a> |
f13 | on reducto and on koji.fp.o/rel-eng/trees/ | <a href="#t13:06" class="time">13:06</a> |
notting | wwoods: surely part of the solution is to start testing pre-freeze | <a href="#t13:07" class="time">13:07</a> |
f13 | wwoods: not a /horrible/ idea, but sucks as developers to have non-critical devel/ builds stagnate. | <a href="#t13:07" class="time">13:07</a> |
wwoods | notting: indeed, indeed | <a href="#t13:07" class="time">13:07</a> |
f13 | notting: yes. I thought I was doing testing, but obviously not sufficient enough | <a href="#t13:07" class="time">13:07</a> |
f13 | I was keeping the tool working, rather than testing the output (which is also important) | <a href="#t13:07" class="time">13:07</a> |
f13 | that and changing the toolchain after the freeze Did Not Help. | <a href="#t13:07" class="time">13:07</a> |
f13 | On the plus side, on Friday the Live images stuff still looked pretty good | <a href="#t13:08" class="time">13:08</a> |
f13 | including installation from them. | <a href="#t13:08" class="time">13:08</a> |
wwoods | yeah we really need to be doing nightly install tests on rawhide. | <a href="#t13:08" class="time">13:08</a> |
wwoods | it is unavoidable. Once we cram t1 out the door I'm gonna set that up again. | <a href="#t13:08" class="time">13:08</a> |
f13 | right now clumens may have fixed nfs-iso method, and is working on the adding repos thing. | <a href="#t13:08" class="time">13:08</a> |
wwoods | (err work on setting that up again) | <a href="#t13:09" class="time">13:09</a> |
f13 | after that I may have him raise the bar for doing boot.iso gui http installs as I can reliably freeze a box with 256 megs | <a href="#t13:09" class="time">13:09</a> |
f13 | that's not a high priority though so any new anaconda fun will go in front of that. | <a href="#t13:09" class="time">13:09</a> |
f13 | oh wait, we should have him poke at firstboot instead. | <a href="#t13:10" class="time">13:10</a> |
wwoods | firstboot traceback is a s-c-securitylevel bug | <a href="#t13:10" class="time">13:10</a> |
f13 | wwoods: there are other problems | <a href="#t13:10" class="time">13:10</a> |
wwoods | looks like a fairly easy patch but nobody seems to have gotten around to it | <a href="#t13:10" class="time">13:10</a> |
f13 | like, it can't launch an X of it's own if rhgb didn't launch | <a href="#t13:10" class="time">13:10</a> |
wwoods | really? great. | <a href="#t13:10" class="time">13:10</a> |
f13 | and not for the same reasons we just fixed rhgb for | <a href="#t13:11" class="time">13:11</a> |
warren | f13, do we have any affected Dell machines in the office? | <a href="#t13:11" class="time">13:11</a> |
f13 | warren: cebbert has one. | <a href="#t13:11" class="time">13:11</a> |
f13 | which is rather fitting. | <a href="#t13:11" class="time">13:11</a> |
warren | good | <a href="#t13:11" class="time">13:11</a> |
wwoods | oh cebbert is in the "boston" office? cool | <a href="#t13:12" class="time">13:12</a> |
f13 | yeah | <a href="#t13:12" class="time">13:12</a> |
f13 | so we need a couple decisions | <a href="#t13:12" class="time">13:12</a> |
f13 | we need to figure out which of these problems are full-stop release blockers, and if so, what our deadline is to have them fixed before we introduce slippage. | <a href="#t13:12" class="time">13:12</a> |
wwoods | <a href="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=F8Test1">https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=F8Test1</a> for those of you keeping score at home. | <a href="#t13:12" class="time">13:12</a> |
f13 | I think we can easily come up with the point of no return for slippage, and that would be having it fixed tonight. | <a href="#t13:13" class="time">13:13</a> |
f13 | to spin trees early morning, and even that is cutting it close. | <a href="#t13:13" class="time">13:13</a> |
f13 | (also we need some consensus on what all we're going to deliver, but we'll get to that) | <a href="#t13:13" class="time">13:13</a> |
wwoods | so, examining the old standby <a href="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/ReleaseCriteria">http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/ReleaseCriteria</a> | <a href="#t13:14" class="time">13:14</a> |
warren | sorry back, connection died | <a href="#t13:15" class="time">13:15</a> |
wwoods | test release bare-minimum is: boot and install on all arches, yum upgrade works, no data corruptors, etc. | <a href="#t13:16" class="time">13:16</a> |
wwoods | and currently we don't boot on a whole mess of machines | <a href="#t13:16" class="time">13:16</a> |
f13 | yes, that is definitely a blocker | <a href="#t13:16" class="time">13:16</a> |
wwoods | technically, though, firstboot is not part of our current release criteria | <a href="#t13:16" class="time">13:16</a> |
f13 | bug 247863 is not; but I do believe we can find somebody with time to bang out a fix for this in short order. So while not a blocker, I"d really like to see this fixed as it is very visible. | <a href="#t13:16" class="time">13:16</a> |
wwoods | I'd suggest we might change the criteria in that area though | <a href="#t13:17" class="time">13:17</a> |
f13 | 249597 is totally blocker (insta-reboot issue) | <a href="#t13:17" class="time">13:17</a> |
f13 | 249908 (adding extra repo at install time) not a blocker, just a /really/ nice to have. | <a href="#t13:17" class="time">13:17</a> |
f13 | 250047 is fixed with new policy, just need to clicky the buttons | <a href="#t13:18" class="time">13:18</a> |
f13 | and 250130 is no pata support on ppc mac minis (potentially more ppc32 hardware). While technically could be considered a blocker, I think the vast amounts of users that would be effected by this can just suffer. | <a href="#t13:18" class="time">13:18</a> |
f13 | does anybody else have any other opinions regarding the above bugs? | <a href="#t13:19" class="time">13:19</a> |
notting | well, we're waiting in 249597. so, i'm not sure any of the others need to be moved off the blocker as long as that's the case | <a href="#t13:19" class="time">13:19</a> |
wwoods | 249908 is final-blocker, not a test-blocker.. technically ppc is still a first-class arch so 250130 would probably be a blocker | <a href="#t13:20" class="time">13:20</a> |
f13 | notting: no, I'm not moving any off, but I just want to set the expectation that if the insta-reboot gets fixed, we're not going to hold up on any of the other nonblockers | <a href="#t13:20" class="time">13:20</a> |
wwoods | but yeah, it's all moot because 249597 is a full-fledged stop-the-presses blocker | <a href="#t13:20" class="time">13:20</a> |
f13 | (there is a reason the tracker is just 'F8Test1' and not 'F8Test1Blockers' | <a href="#t13:20" class="time">13:20</a> |
f13 | but obviously if we can't fix 249597 today, we're slipping. | <a href="#t13:21" class="time">13:21</a> |
wwoods | so let's talk firstboot - we've got *two* bugs now? can't start its own X, and the s-c-securitylevel traceback? | <a href="#t13:21" class="time">13:21</a> |
wwoods | f13: right. | <a href="#t13:21" class="time">13:21</a> |
f13 | wwoods: yes. Arguably the traceback isn't a firstboot bug, just one triggered /by/ firstboot. | <a href="#t13:22" class="time">13:22</a> |
f13 | I should hope it would be pretty straight forward to fix s-c-securitylevel. Obviously the maintainer isn't paying attention to anything (perhaps time to ring somebody's bell?) | <a href="#t13:22" class="time">13:22</a> |
wwoods | right, yes, it's not a firstboot but, but it prevents firstboot from running | <a href="#t13:23" class="time">13:23</a> |
wwoods | err "firstboot bug, but..." | <a href="#t13:23" class="time">13:23</a> |
f13 | wwoods: no it doesn't | <a href="#t13:23" class="time">13:23</a> |
wwoods | aroo? it did for me | <a href="#t13:23" class="time">13:23</a> |
f13 | wwoods: you click "ok" or whatever on the error popup and firstboot continues on happily | <a href="#t13:23" class="time">13:23</a> |
wwoods | huh! didn't know that. | <a href="#t13:23" class="time">13:23</a> |
wwoods | mea culpa then | <a href="#t13:23" class="time">13:23</a> |
f13 | it's still pug ugly and we'll get a shitton of email/bugreports/nastygrams about it so we should fix it | <a href="#t13:24" class="time">13:24</a> |
wwoods | yeah, I'd like to poke the s-c-securitylevel maintainer about it | <a href="#t13:24" class="time">13:24</a> |
f13 | failing that, notting can you pinch-hit here? | <a href="#t13:24" class="time">13:24</a> |
wwoods | it seems like we'll be slipping for the dell bug anyway so we might have a window to fix the firstboot problems | <a href="#t13:24" class="time">13:24</a> |
notting | f13: for? twoerner? | <a href="#t13:25" class="time">13:25</a> |
notting | afaik, he's around somewhere | <a href="#t13:25" class="time">13:25</a> |
f13 | notting: if that's the owner of s-c-securitylevel yes. I'm a bit peeved that this hasn't been fixed yet, but I don't know what his current workload is. What would have been useful is dropping a note that he couldn't fix it in time, get somebody else to look at it. | <a href="#t13:25" class="time">13:25</a> |
f13 | hey good, clumens duped the problem when using an added repo at install time. There is potential for a fix there. | <a href="#t13:28" class="time">13:28</a> |
notting | f13: have you tracked him down on irc? | <a href="#t13:28" class="time">13:28</a> |
f13 | notting: no, I've bene chasing other fires. | <a href="#t13:28" class="time">13:28</a> |
wwoods | what about the firstboot-cant-start-X thing? | <a href="#t13:30" class="time">13:30</a> |
wwoods | do we have someone on that? | <a href="#t13:30" class="time">13:30</a> |
notting | bug#? | <a href="#t13:30" class="time">13:30</a> |
f13 | so that's where we're at. I'm going to poke a bit at firstboot to look at why it can't launch X ( at least get some logging out of it ) | <a href="#t13:31" class="time">13:31</a> |
wwoods | f13: is that filed? | <a href="#t13:31" class="time">13:31</a> |
f13 | wwoods: I don't think so. I probably should once I figure out how it's actually not happening | <a href="#t13:33" class="time">13:33</a> |
wwoods | f13: righteous. I'm sure I'll get mail when you add it to the tracker. Lemme know if you need help reproducing. | <a href="#t13:34" class="time">13:34</a> |
f13 | k | <a href="#t13:34" class="time">13:34</a> |
wwoods | I'm probably gonna mess around with PPC installs some more - the tree on koji.fp.o is up-to-date, right? | <a href="#t13:34" class="time">13:34</a> |
f13 | and it looks like twoerner is actually working on s-c-sl right now. | <a href="#t13:34" class="time">13:34</a> |
wwoods | cool! | <a href="#t13:34" class="time">13:34</a> |
f13 | wwoods: yes, that's what I spun yesterday and there were no package changes since then. | <a href="#t13:35" class="time">13:35</a> |
f13 | I'm going to spin again this evening with the things we've fixed so far and sync that up too | <a href="#t13:35" class="time">13:35</a> |
![]() | <a href="#t13:36" class="time">13:36</a> | |
f13 | So for Fedora 7, we did a different content set each test release as we were feeling our way toward the final set which was the Fedora spins, and a set of Everything repos | <a href="#t13:36" class="time">13:36</a> |
f13 | Ideally, from a 'getting bits spun and in place' for the test release we'd just do the Fedora spin and rely upon rawhide as our 'Everything' tree. | <a href="#t13:37" class="time">13:37</a> |
f13 | (and for our debuginfo tree) | <a href="#t13:37" class="time">13:37</a> |
wwoods | sounds reasonable. | <a href="#t13:37" class="time">13:37</a> |
warren | "Everything" is a checkbox during anaconda? | <a href="#t13:37" class="time">13:37</a> |
f13 | we'd still probably have to spin source isos for the FEdora spin for those pesky legal reasons but... | <a href="#t13:37" class="time">13:37</a> |
f13 | warren: not there currently | <a href="#t13:38" class="time">13:38</a> |
f13 | warren: probably want to land the ability to use mirrorlists in anaconda add repos first | <a href="#t13:38" class="time">13:38</a> |
f13 | and there are some interesting side effects to adding a second repo that duplicates a lot of the content | <a href="#t13:38" class="time">13:38</a> |
f13 | like, what repo is yum going to pull the packages from? | <a href="#t13:38" class="time">13:38</a> |
f13 | seth has got a 'priorities' like plugin that I need to test that we'd want to use in anaconda to ensure that the main repo (install method) is used for all possible packages, only going to add-on repos for things not available in the main repo | <a href="#t13:39" class="time">13:39</a> |
* rdieter likes the sound of that. | <a href="#t13:39" class="time">13:39</a> | |
f13 | yeah, can be quite the useful little plugin. Originally I wanted it for mock | <a href="#t13:40" class="time">13:40</a> |
f13 | but I'm finding other places where it would be really useful. | <a href="#t13:40" class="time">13:40</a> |
f13 | Does anybody see a reason why we should deliver anything more than 'Fedora installable spin i386,x86_64,ppc + source, Fedora i386,x86_64 Live image, and KDE i386,x86_64 Live image' | <a href="#t13:41" class="time">13:41</a> |
wwoods | sounds fine | <a href="#t13:42" class="time">13:42</a> |
wwoods | Someday we should talk about delivering just live media, in two sizes (CD and DVD). But not now. | <a href="#t13:42" class="time">13:42</a> |
rdieter | the only possible addition would be Everything spin? (or something else?) | <a href="#t13:43" class="time">13:43</a> |
f13 | wwoods: that has deep hurt until you can do upgrades from Live | <a href="#t13:43" class="time">13:43</a> |
f13 | rdieter: yeah, Everything is what's missing. | <a href="#t13:43" class="time">13:43</a> |
f13 | <@twoerner> jk_meeting: 1.7.0-4_fc8 is building | <a href="#t13:43" class="time">13:43</a> |
f13 | *ROCK* | <a href="#t13:43" class="time">13:43</a> |
f13 | Ok, so | <a href="#t13:44" class="time">13:44</a> |
![]() | <a href="#t13:44" class="time">13:44</a> | |
poelcat | f13: what was summary on last topic? | <a href="#t13:44" class="time">13:44</a> |
f13 | anything else related to Test1 that anybody would like to discuss? | <a href="#t13:44" class="time">13:44</a> |
f13 | poelcat: rel-eng will deliver for Test1 'Fedora installable spin i386,x86_64,ppc + source, Fedora i386,x86_64 Live image, and KDE i386,x86_64 Live image' | <a href="#t13:44" class="time">13:44</a> |
poelcat | f13: thanks! | <a href="#t13:45" class="time">13:45</a> |
wwoods | f13: right, that's the "someday" | <a href="#t13:45" class="time">13:45</a> |
wwoods | heh | <a href="#t13:45" class="time">13:45</a> |
f13 | poelcat: with a side note "Everything tree will be provided by standard Rawhide locations" | <a href="#t13:45" class="time">13:45</a> |
f13 | If there's nothing else I'd like to call the meeting and get back to work. | <a href="#t13:45" class="time">13:45</a> |
f13 | Any objections? | <a href="#t13:45" class="time">13:45</a> |
wwoods | we should have that as a checkbox in the "additional repo" list for test2 and on | <a href="#t13:45" class="time">13:45</a> |
f13 | wwoods: as stated before, we need a few things first; support for mirror lists; priority plugin to prevent you from skipping local media and downloading everything off the net | <a href="#t13:46" class="time">13:46</a> |
f13 | wwoods: not totally unreasonable, and I'd consider throwing up a Feature page for this | <a href="#t13:47" class="time">13:47</a> |
wwoods | or some other way of tracking it, yeah | <a href="#t13:47" class="time">13:47</a> |
poelcat | f13: what was recap for first topic?... wait and see how tonight looks? | <a href="#t13:47" class="time">13:47</a> |
wwoods | we're blocked on the Dell bug, which won't be fixed tonight, so we'll be using this window to try to get fixes in for the other tracked issues | <a href="#t13:48" class="time">13:48</a> |
f13 | poelcat: yes, decision on slipping will be made tomorrow. | <a href="#t13:48" class="time">13:48</a> |
* poelcat attempts to publish minutes in near-real-time for a change | <a href="#t13:49" class="time">13:49</a> | |
f13 | poelcat: awesome. Thank you again so much for this. | <a href="#t13:50" class="time">13:50</a> |
poelcat | f13: you're welcome :) | <a href="#t13:50" class="time">13:50</a> |
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