Fedora 24 Release Party in Novi Sad, Serbia
This will be a social event to meet other Fedora users and people curious about Fedora from Novi Sad and Serbia in general, and check out the cool features of the new Fedora 24 release. It will also serve as an opportunity for people to find out what Fedora and free software in general is all about and ask questions of people already involved in the community. It is also a opportunity for students of Department of Mathematics and Informatics of Faculty of Science in Novi Sad to learn about Fedora and open-source principles and how can they get involved with FOSS/Fedora.
Saturday, 18th June 2016 12:00 PM.
Amphitheater A1 (Mihajlo Pupin)
Department of Mathematics and Informatics
Faculty of Sciences
University of Novi Sad
Trg Dositeja Obradovića 3
21000 Novi Sad
Important note - application
- Installation media (CD/USB) should be available to those that would like to get Fedora or upgrade to Fedora 24.
- A couple of presentations
- Quiz with Fedora awards!
- Socializing with other Fedora enthusiasts over lunch and snacks.
- Q & A session
dr Danijela Tešendić, associate professor at the Faculty of Sciences
msc Doni Pracner, teaching assistant at the Faculty of Sciences
Nataša Sukur, MSc Student
Ambassadors at the event
Schedule in Serbian is available at the Facebook event link
12:00 - 12:15
- Welcome to the Fedora 24 Release Party in Novi Sad!
12:15 - 13:00
- "What is Fedora and what is new in Fedora 24?" - Nemanja Milošević
- Introduction to Fedora, a modern Linux distribution with an overview of the things that make Fedora stand out. Four foundations of Fedora. How can you contribute to Fedora development, and what you can do for Fedora. An overview of different flavours of Fedora, and how to get them. What's new and different in Fedora 24. Tricks for making your life easier while using Fedora.
13:00 - 13:30
- Lunch/refreshments break
13:30 - 14:15
- "Desktop usage and look and feel is your choice on an open operating system" - Doni Pracner
- Using open source principles in operating system development and design allows for any component to be replaced or redesigned. Modern Linux distribution come with a variety of different desktop environments and window managers, all of which can be modified or replaced, usually very easily. This presentation will cover the basic concepts which allow this, different types of windows management, and concrete implementations which are currently available. It will also show how sometimes it can all become really complicated and difficult.
14:15 - 14:30
- Refreshments break
14:30 - 14:45
- Fedora quiz! - Nataša Sukur
14:45 - 15:30
- "Introduction to free open source software" - Momčilo Medić
- Introduction to free open source software, and its four freedoms. Comparison between proprietary software and free open source software.
15:30 - 16:00
- Q&A, Live USB creation station, "Fedora runs on everything!" - demo zone
Event report
- Report: https://nmilosev.svbtle.com/fedora-24-release-party-novi-sad
- Pictures: http://imgur.com/a/5TE3O