From Fedora Project Wiki

These are the command line recipes for the metrics shown on the Statistics page.

These commands appear to be outdated, and do not seem to work with the current layout. A new system, more accurate system is being developed.


New Way

SSH to log1 and:

cat /srv/www/fedoraUsage/updates-released-f41

NOTE: The script used to produce this file is in the fedora-infrastructure.git repo which is publicly accessible

A collection of scripts currently used on the logging host as a personal cronjob can be found here: [1]

Old Way (deprecated)

SSH to lockbox and:

egrep 'repo=updates-released-f9' \
/var/log/httpd/archives/proxy*/<date_range> | \
grep '\" 200 ' | awk '{print $1}' | awk -F : '{print $2}' | \
sort | uniq | wc -l > ~/f9-yum-<end_date>.txt

Direct Downloads

SSH to log01 and:

egrep 'Fedora-41.*\.iso' \
/var/log/hosts/proxy*/YYYY/MM/DD/http/ | \
grep '\" 302 ' | awk '{print $1}' | awk -F : '{print $2}' | sort | uniq | wc -l \
> ~/f41-dl-$(date +%Y%m%d).txt

This script appears to work well:


[ -n "$NDAYS" ] || NDAYS=7
[ -n "$RELEASE" ] || RELEASE=10

for D in $(seq $NDAYS -1 1)
  YEAR=`date -d "$D days ago" +"%Y"`
  MONTH=`date -d "$D days ago" +"%m"`
  DAY=`date -d "$D days ago" +"%d"`
  egrep "Fedora-$RELEASE.*\.iso" \
      /var/log/hosts/proxy*/${YEAR}/${MONTH}/${DAY}/http/ | \
      grep '\" 302 ' | awk '{print $1}' | awk -F : '{print $2}' | \
      sort | uniq | wc -l \
      > ~/f${RELEASE}-dl-${YEAR}${MONTH}${DAY}.txt
done Visits

Go here. Also, for example:

for month in seq -w 9 10; do echo -n "$month "; (bzcat \
  /var/log/hosts/proxy[1-5]/2008/$month/*/http/* \
  2> /dev/null || cat \
  /var/log/hosts/proxy[1-5]/2008/$month/*/http/*) | \
  awk '{print $1 }' | sort | uniq | wc -l ; done

Wiki Edits

for month in seq -w 5 10; do echo -n "$month "; (bzgrep -hce 'POST.*edit' \
  /var/log/hosts/proxy[1-5]/2008/$month/*/http/* \
  2> /dev/null || grep -hce 'POST.*edit' \
  /var/log/hosts/proxy[1-5]/2008/$month/*/http/*) | \
  awk '{ s+=$1 } END { print "Total: "s}'; done