From Fedora Project Wiki

Accepted proposals

All accepted students who complete their summer coding project are recognized with a certificate of completion, inclusion in publicity, and a Summer Coding program t-shirt. These rewards go to both funded and unfunded proposals that we've accepted. Because of the way our funding works this time, we are projects projects in to two funding pools. Read Summer Coding 2010 funding for more information about funding.

Projects in the Fedora Funding Pool


  1. Summer Coding 2010 proposal - Copr TG app - Ionuț Arțăriși
  2. Summer Coding 2010 proposal - KDE Netbook Remix - Aditya Patawari
  3. Summer Coding 2010 proposal - KDE Netbook Spin - Hiemanshu Sharma
  4. Summer Coding 2010 proposal - Fedora Musicians' Guide - Christopher Antila
  5. Summer Coding 2010 proposal - Freeseer - Auto-Systray with Hotkey - Leo Estorninos
  6. Summer Coding 2010 proposal - CHASM-mfm - Matt Mooney
  7. Summer Coding 2010 proposal - Four Seasons of Code - Gaurav Menghani
  8. Summer Coding 2010 proposal - Kronikarz - Andrey Prokhorenkov
  9. Summer Coding 2010 proposal - libyahoo2 chatroom - Kai Zhang
  10. Summer Coding 2010 proposal - Kde usability inspector [Red Hat Engineering Brno funded - read note in the funding section] - Michal Luscon


  1. Summer Coding 2010 proposal - configure software items and repository via web service - CHEN Yangyang
  2. Summer Coding 2010 proposal - an optimized architecture for customizable application installer - Haofu Han

Read Summer Coding 2010 funding for details about funded and unfunded status.

Projects in the Funding Pool

  1. Errai (GWT) integration with CDI event - Filip Rogaczewski