
I am Sunil Datta from Jalandhar, Punjab, and is RHCE Certified on version 4.0.
If you are looking for Fedora CD or DVD, you can directly mail me at mailto:sunil_prog@yahoo.com, OR you can also call me at 09872666080. The Media and courier charges will be born by you. If you are local to my location you can meet me personally.
You can visit my site www.opensourcenuts.com.
This site is still under development, but I hope still you may find useful. If u find something incorrect just mail me at mailto:sunil_prog@yahoo.com
With Fedora
I have just join Fedora.
Contact Me
Phone Number: 09872666080
email: sunil_prog@yahoo.com, fedora@opensourcenuts.com
Free Linux DVD And CD Image Burning Service bservice@opensourcenuts.com
site: www.opensourcenuts.com