Missing System Config Tool
For any developers wishing to contribute, this is a list of possible system config tools.
- -automount
- -certificates
- -cron
- -dovecot
- -ldap
- -kerberos
- -mail (to setup aliases, sendmail, and/or postfix)
- -prelink
- -ssh
- -squid
- -storage (to setup disks, partitions, lvm, raid, ..)
- -sysctl
- -udev
- -vnc
- -yum
MatthiasClasen: Of course, this list makes the assumption that more system-config tools is better. Not everybody agrees with that...
ArthurPemberton: Does prelink still exist in Fedora?
Yoho : system-config-storage would be a must as you're able to configure anything in anaconda, but are then left alone without any partitioning tool