From Fedora Project Wiki

On "Note for RHN Users"

I'm wondering if the advice to add 'optional' should be a bit more explicit about exact channel names. RHEL 6 channels have child channels with "optional" in the name, but RHEL5 ones don't.

AFAIK, I can only interpret it as an instruction to add something like "rhel-x86_64-server-productivity-5", which doesn't actually have the word "optional" appear in the channel name (at least in RHEL 5.version I'm using). The user must look at the descriptive name to know there's a reference to something "optional", and that word "optional" does not appear in the displayed child channel names for All Release Channels Page.

Perhaps, worth to add link to the permanent URLs ?

broken repoview URLs

"What packages and versions are available in EPEL?" all URLs are broken. But I do not see what to use else.

Additionally at least "letsencrypt" package does have its Koji .el7 build but it is not in that repo at all.