Тестовые дни Fedora | |
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FreeIPA v2 | |
Date | 15 февраля, 2011 |
Time | весь день, UTC |
Website | http://www.freeipa.org |
IRC | #fedora-test-day (webirc) |
Mailing list | freeipa-users@redhat.com |
Что тестируем?[edit]
Сегодняшний тестовый день посвящен проверке работоспособности FreeIPA v2
С кем можно поговорить[edit]
Следующие участники тестового дня будут доступны для тестирования, «костылей», исправления ошибок и основной дискуссии…
- Разработка - Dmitri Pal (
) - Обеспечение качества -
Подготовка к тестам[edit]
Список необходимых вещей которые нужны для тестового дня. Свежая система, виртуального пользователя, пустой DVD ... и желание поломать программы?
- Usb флешка
- Внешний Usb жесткий диск IDE/SATA
- Пустой жесткий диск IDE/SATA/SCSI
- Свободное место на жестком диске
Следующие вещи обычно нужны для тестовых дней Fedora. Поменяйте XX на тот выпуск Fedora который вы используете:
- Обновленный Fedora XX пре-выпуск, Rawhide (ниже подсказки об установке Rawhide), или ночная сборка
- Ваш профиль аппаратного обеспечения загруженый на Smolt следуя инструкциями
Как проводить тестирование?[edit]
High level details on how a contributor can get involved. This can include (but not limited to):
- Areas to target with exploratory testing
- A list of pre-defined test cases to execute
- How to report back results
Here's another common chunk (again, replace XX as above):
Update your machine[edit]
If you're running Fedora XX, make sure you have all the current updates for it installed, using the update manager. If you want to try Rawhide, see the instructions on the Rawhide page on the various ways in which you can install or update to Rawhide. Or:
Live image[edit]
Optionally, you may download a non-destructive Rawhide live image for your architecture. Tips on using a live image are available at FedoraLiveCD. Live images can be found here.
Test Cases[edit]
Provide a list of test areas or test cases that you'd like contributors to execute. For other examples, see Category:Test_Cases.
Test Results[edit]
Construct a table or list to allow testers to post results. Each column should be a test case or configuration, and each row should consist of test results. Include some instructions on how to report bugs, and any special instructions. Here's an example, from a Palimpsest test day:
If you have problems with any of the tests, report a bug to Bugzilla usually for the component udisks, or gnome-disk-utility for bugs in the Palimpsest graphical front end itself. If you are unsure about exactly how to file the report or what other information to include, just ask on IRC and we will help you. Once you have completed the tests, add your results to the Results table below, following the example results from the first line as a template. The first column should be your name with a link to your User page in the Wiki if you have one, and the second should be a link to the Smolt profile of the system you tested. For each test case, use the result template to enter your result, as shown in the example result line.
User | Smolt Profile | Sample test 1 | Sample test 2 | Sample test 3 | Sample test 4 | References |
Sample User | HW | ![]() |
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