From Fedora Project Wiki
< TillMaas
Review Checklist
- rpmlint
- naming
- NamingGuidelines
- licensing
- osi approved?
- included?
- correct mentioned in specfile?
- American English
- legible
- ExcludeArch, blocking
- BuildRequires
- Locales
- shared libraries: ldconfig
- %clean section with rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
- macros
- sources
- relocatable? Prefix: /usr?
- files and directories
- owns all created directories
- all files listed in %files
- permissions?
- deffattr?
- no .la files
- .desktop for GUI applications
- no conflicts with other packets
- -devel
- headers
- static libraries
- .so without suffix when .so.suffix existent
- .pc files
- permissable content
- doc
- large doc in -doc package
- must not affect runtime
- request upstream license
- mock build
- sane scriptlets
- subpackages with fully versioned dependency