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Allan Gardner
[[Image:{{{image}}}|center|250px|Allan Gardner]]
Fedora Information
FAS name: allangardner
Fedora email:
IRC nick: Mathnerd314
IRC channels: #supertux,#diagrams
Fedorapeople page:
Badges (15)
Secretary General Embryo Tadpole with Legs Crypto Badger Involvement White Rabbit Let Me Introduce Myself Paranoid Panda Macaron (Cookie I) Baby Badger Speak Up! Egg Tadpole Junior Badger (Badger I) Summer Coder


I have a B.A. in Mathematics from UCCS and this fall I will start at UC Boulder to get a P.h.D. in Applied Mathematics. I plan to study numerical optimization and mathematical biology; there are no clues yet as to my dissertation topic.

In the open source world, I've contributed to SuperTux, a popular FLOSS game, since 2008. In particular, I created the introductory cutscene (video) and fixed bugs in the worldmap save system (which is completely script-driven, for flexibility), as well as the usual play-testing and level design.

I’ve also worked on the NixOS GNU/Linux Distribution, submitting some packages, packaging improvements, and patches to the package manager. The package manager is nice (it allows installing multiple versions of packages at once), but it's still not as mature as Fedora, and various project management issues suggest this will not change in the near future. Fedora is working on Modularization, which is very similar in goals to NixOS, I think it has a better chance of success, long-term.

I’ve also patched the Re-pagination extension to support the sites I use, it’s been an ongoing adventure. I have upstreamed the more useful patches to the main developer. According to Mozilla it has 5,013 users.

Finally, in 2014 I did a GSOC as part of the organization. I implemented a constraint-based layout library using Microsoft's z3 SMT solver.