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Diego Estrada
Diego Estrada
Diego Estrada
Diego Estrada
Personal Information
Born: 20th March in
Home: Seville, Spain
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: diegoestrada
Miscellaneous Information
Private Mail:
IRC: taquilla on Libera.Chat, in:
#fedora-ambassadors #fedora-meeting
Badges (31)
Paranoid Panda Involvement Let Me Introduce Myself Junior Editor Ambassador Junior Badger (Badger I) Crypto Panda Crypto Badger Don't Call it a Comeback White Rabbit Science (Kernel Tester I) Origin Curious Penguin (Ask Fedora I) Egg Keepin Fedora Beautiful (F23) Keepin Fedora Beautiful (F24) Curious Penguin (Ask Fedora II) Def Keepin Fedora Beautiful (F24) Embryo Tadpole Tadpole with Legs Froglet Adult Frog Baby Badger Speak Up! Mugshot Nuancier (F22) Nuancier F24 Associate Badger (Badger 1.5) Nuancier F26 Keepin Fedora Beautiful (F28)

Personal Data

Hi everybody, my name is Diego and I'm Linux user for years. Little by little I began warming to the Fedora distribution so that I wanted to participate in the Fedora Project, always attempting to advance in my knowledge , whether in computer general knowledge or in Fedora particularly. My interests and hobbies are the most varied. from sports , going out with my friends, to playing console games, or doing small projects with Raspberry Pi. You can contact me directly via : mail account:

Related Jobs

Since 2011 I am in charge of a 1100-students-school computer maintenance. In 2013 I started a new computer project dealing with an international sports medicine clinic.

Future plans

I would like to become a member of the Fedora Ambassadors team in Sevilla ( Spain ), as well as to expand my English level and to complete the Computer Engineering.