About Me
- I'm a Fedora user since the beginning, cutting my teath on Mandrake 7 and quickly dropping back to Red Hat 7 when it came out.
- I might be the only South African Linux user who doesn't run Ubuntu
My Work
I work for Translate.org.za. We're a small team of localisers and coders that focus on language and technology issues. I am currently the reasearch director for Anloc - The African Network for Localisation - which is doing cool things for fonts, keyboards, localisation tools, etc.
Fedora and me
I recently became a Fedora packager, mainly to get our tools packaged and distributed through Fedora. Currently I package:
- Translate Toolkit - the toolkit everyone should be using as the basis for localisation infrastrucure, QA, format support, etc
- Virtaal - a desktop translation and localisation tool, uncluttered yet feature rich
- python-Levenshtein - high speed Levenshtein distance measures (and others) written in C for Python. Used to dramatically increase the speed of all fuzzy matching we do in Pootle and the Translate Toolkit.
I've contributed to:
- libtranslate - getting it to work with Python ctypes, adding and updating the support MT sources.
In my queue
- Pootle - waiting for the Django based Pootle 1.3 to stabalise before proceeding. Otherwise she's ready to go, all initscripts and such are written and file placements resolved.