From Fedora Project Wiki

Claudio Rodrigo Pereyra Diaz

Ingeniero en Informática.

Live in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

User of Fedora since Jun 2005


  • Email:
  • IRC: elsupergomez #fedora-latam, #fedora-es, #fedora, #fedora-latam-rpmdev
  • GPG key: Your key ID and/or signature
  • Fedora Account: elsupergomez

Activities within Fedora

  • Currently do translations into Spanish for Fedora is fully available in my native language.
  • Diffuse use as much as I can, usually between friends, family and acquaintances.
  • Occasionally I pack any program that is not packaged or need an update not yet published, I have intentions to achieve some package provide oficinal someday.


Let Me Introduce Myself Involvement Mugshot Curious Penguin (Ask Fedora I) Riddle Me This Crypto Panda Paranoid Panda Bona Fide Junior Tagger (Tagger I) What goes up... (Koji Failure II) Nuancier Junior Badger (Badger I) In Search of the Bull (Tester I) Baby Badger Bloggin' it! (Planet I) Bloggin' it! (Planet II) Embryo Tadpole Egg Tadpole with Legs Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build V) Bloggin' it! (Planet III) Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build VI) What goes around comes around (Karma I) What goes up... (Koji Failure I) You can call me "Patches" (SCM II) Telegraphist (Upstream Release Monitoring I) Froglet Fedora 23 Change Accepted Partners in Crime Senior Badger (Badger II) You can call me "Patches" (SCM III) Like a Rock (Updates-Stable II) Nuancier F25 Perceiving the Bull (Tester III) Adult Frog Junior Editor Associate Editor Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build I) Senior Editor Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build II) Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build III) Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build IV) Fedora 21 Change Accepted Discovery of the Footprints (Tester II) Associate Badger (Badger 1.5) Science (Kernel Tester I) Origin Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build VII) If you build it... (Koji Success I) Take this and call me in the morning Is this thing on? (Updates-Testing I) Corporate Drone You can call me "Patches" (SCM I) Master Editor If you build it... (Koji Success II) Like a Rock (Updates-Stable I) Top 500 Fedora 24 Change Accepted Nuancier F24 If you build it... (Koji Success III) Is this thing on? (Updates-Testing II) What goes around comes around (Karma II) Nuancier F26 Long Life to Pagure (Pagure I) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure II) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure IV) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure III) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure VI) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure V)