Florian Brand
florian AT fedoraproject DOT org
Florian Brand joined Red Hat Germany in 1999 and has since delivered RHCE and RHCA level classes in more than 25 countries. He serves as subject matter expert and editor for several Red Hat courses. As Chief Instructor EMEA Florian Brand is the technical lead for internal and external instructors in Europe. He was first worldwide to complete the RHCA Certification. Before joining Red Hat Florian Brand studied Physics at the University of Würzburg. In the 'analog world' he enjoys playing guitar and sports diving.
Areas of Expertise
- Red Hat Network
- HA Clustering/GFS
- Security
- Webserver
- System internals
- Tuning
- Troubleshooting
Programming Languages
- Bash
- Perl
- Python
- C/C++
Selected Talks/Tutorials
- Automatisierte Installation mit Kickstart (Automated Installations with Kickstart) (LUGT 2000)
- Sicheres Netzwerken mit Linux (Secure Networking under Linux) (Linuxtag 2001)
- PAM für Nichtschwimmer (PAM for Nonswimmers) (Linuxtag 2002)
- File:FlorianBrand 12FragenZumThemaUpdates-LinuxTag2004.pdf 12 Fragen zum Thema Updates] (12 questions on the topic: Updates) (Linuxtag 2004)
- File:FlorianBrand FFG2005-PAM.pdf Pluggable Authentication Modules] (FFG 2005)
- File:FlorianBrand WegeAusDemUpdateDschungel-ASQF-2005.pdf Wege aus dem Update Dschungel] (Getting out of the Update Jungle) (ASQF 2005)
- Letzte Verteidigungslinie (File:FlorianBrand LastLineOfDefense2007.pdf Last Line of Defense] ) (Linuxtag 2006) (FFG 2007)
- Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE)
- Red Hat Certified Instructor (RHCI)
- Red Hat Certified Examiner (RHCX)
- Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA)
- Red Hat Certified Data Center Specialist (RHCDS)
- Red Hat Certified Security Specialist (RHCSS)
- Red Hat Certified Virtualization Administrator (RHCVA)
Stuff I work on
Currently my time is mostly devoted to Red Hat Stuff.