From Fedora Project Wiki

Ilgiz Islamgulov
[[Image:|center|250px|Ilgiz Islamgulov]]
Fedora Information
FAS name: islamgulov
Fedora email:
IRC nick: ilgiz
IRC channels: #fedora-qa, #fedora-summer-coding
Fedorapeople page:
Badges (8)
Involvement In Search of the Bull (Tester I) Egg Origin Embryo Tadpole Tadpole with Legs Froglet

I’m a student in the last year of Master degree of computers science in Ufa state aviation technical university, FOSS lover, committer in The Apache Software Foundation (libcloud project). I've been using Linux based systems since I have been involved in work on distributed resource management for cluster systems for about four year, that system is now working on some supercomputers. I'm interested on CI, cloud computing and AI. Also I love Python.