Jakub "Jacob" Sycha | |
![]() | |
Personal Information | |
Birthday: | 04/04/1999 |
Birthplace: | {{{birthplace}}} |
Home: | Brno, CZ |
Fedora-specific Information | |
FAS-Name: | jacobcz |
Fedora-Mail: | jacobcz@fedoraproject.org |
Fedorapeople: | http://jacobcz.fedorapeople.org |
Miscellaneous Information | |
private Mail: | jakub@sycha.cz |
GPG-Key: | {{{gpg}}} |
Homepage: | sycha.cz |
Twitter: | __jacobcz |
Identi.ca: | {{{identi.ca}}} |
Jabber: | {{{jabber}}} |
IRC: | JacobCZ on Freenode in #fedora-ambassadors, #fedora |
I'm an IT student, based in Brno, Czech Republic, who has just recently gotten into Fedora community and the OpenSource community itself. I have done a few OpenSource projects in the past, some of which you can check out on my GitHub (http://github.com/JacobCZ) profile.
I'm an EMEA Fedora Ambassador, active the most in the physical community (cons, meetups etc.). I also help with translations.
I currently work for Jobote.com as a PHP Coder and am trying to convince the company to be more Open-Source friendly.
My favorite programming languages are Java, Kotlin, Scala, Python and Ruby. I'm trying to convince more Java people to try Kotlin.
You can talk to me in Czech, English, German and probably also some other slavic languages like Croatian, Polish etc!
FOSS Activities
- Ambassador: Fedora Ambassador in Czech republic
- L10n: Helping translate GNOME3 to Czech
- Evangelism: Trying to convince people and companies to take the FOSS approach.
Events I've helped organise
- DevConf CZ 2017
Events I've been to
- DevConf CZ 2017
- OpenAlt 2016
- DevConf CZ 2016
- OpenAlt 2015