From Fedora Project Wiki
Talk about starting the new year with some new people to help out?
Top 3 Highlights
- Reduce the ticket backlog from 22 active tickets down to almost zero. Mainly due to the hard work of tibbs and our new members: orionp, tomspur and mbooth
- Approved the first policy using the new weak and reverse weak deps.
packaging features.rpm
- Big
guidelines changes for easy of use, clarifications for applications vs. modules, and py2/py3 migrations.python
Make it a top N ?
- Bundling guidelines overhaul? It was big, but we were all mostly against it ... so?
- sysv init scripts are now banned?
- Per product defaults? First time service setup?
- PKCS#11 policy?
- git hosting, and non-version usage cleanup?
- Use of cross distro. compat. macros. in specfiles now upto the maintainer?
Top Goal(s) for 2016
1. 1. 1.
Talk about highlights?
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