From Fedora Project Wiki

Jens Maucher
Jens Maucher
Jens Maucher
Jens Maucher
Personal Information
Born: 02. October in
Home: Kronau, Germany (UTC +01:00)
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: jmaucher
Miscellaneous Information
GPG-Key: 2E557FEF30A0111C
IRC: jmaucher on Libera.Chat, in:
#fedora-de, #fedora-ambassadors, fedora-l10n
Badges (18)
Paranoid Panda Crypto Panda Involvement Let Me Introduce Myself White Rabbit Egg Tadpole Baby Badger Junior Editor Ambassador Froglet Mugshot Adult Frog Embryo Tadpole with Legs Junior Badger (Badger I) I Voted: Fedora 32 Origin

As a contributor

Member of


Actually i am doing some translations, campaigning for other users for fedora they are new to open source. I would like to work with the admin-team to get more experience in system-administration to pass my LPI exam.


I joined the Ambassadors in May 2009 and i am member of the Ambassadors Germany.


  • 2021
  • 2020
 no events caused by COVID-19
  • 2009
  1. September 2009 FAD EMEA 2009 Rheinfelden, Germany
  2. November 2009 Openexpo Karlsruhe, Germany

Self Introduction

Hi, my name is Jens. I was born 1972 in Freiburg. Professionally i am Bachelor Professional of Electrical Technology and Management (CCI). I'm using Linux since round about 2000 beginning with SuSE and debian. Fedora i am using since 2009. In my sparetime i am currently studying and practicing for my LPIC Certification, and trying to get my Certification in Master Professional of Technical Management (CCI).

GPG Information

pub   ed25519 2023-01-19 [SC] [verfällt: 2025-01-18]
      44A2 AF50 92BB BECB A217  7CEA E232 8D2D 4928 FF8A