From Fedora Project Wiki

Trupti Rajesh Kini
Trupti Rajesh Kini
Trupti Rajesh Kini
Trupti Rajesh Kini
Personal Information
Born: 9th, November, 1991. in
Home: Mumbai, India
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: kinitrupti
Miscellaneous Information
Private Mail:
IRC: kinitrupti on Libera.Chat, in:
Badges (17)
Paranoid Panda Origin Tadpole with Legs Involvement Let Me Introduce Myself Junior Editor Associate Editor Junior Badger (Badger I) Clickbait (Fedora Magazine I) Egg Embryo Extra!  Extra! Froglet Crypto Badger White Rabbit Crypto Panda Tadpole

Free Software advocate, Masters In Computer Science(FOSS).

It's important to note that Fedora goes beyound a software in my opinion.
Fedora represents to me a way of making excellency through Free and Open Source Software. It represents you can still offer great things to people based only in FOSS and more than only softwares and documentation, it shares ethics amongs us all. I will probably prepare some material about it and will link it here :)

About Me

I am also known as Fröhlich and FOSS Evangelist. I am engrossed into FOSS activities since 2012. I have contributed in FOSS in both cathedral and bazaar ways. To know more about me, check out my blogs.You can read my personal report in here.

How I support Fedora

I would like to take up document writing for fedora projects, writing articles for fedora magazine, promoting the fedora in my local region.


  • Email: kinitrupti at
  • FOSS Blog: [1]
  • Fedora Account: kinitrupti
  • Github: [2]
  • Diaspora: [3]