Mark Clanton
I am a Systems Analyst for ATK Space Systems in Magna Utah. At work I manage a 17 node HPC running RHEL 4 and RHEL 5. On the side I use Fedora 11 on an Asus Eee PC, a Dell Latitude and a desktop. I love using and working with Fedora. I look forward to the time that I can help promote Fedora to the public.
Email: macmmc AT fedoraproject dOt com
IRC: I go by 'macmmc' on #oalug, #fedora-ambassadors and #fedora
GPG key: 2D2043AE
Fedora Account: macmmc
http://linuxroxutah.blogspot.com - My Blog
Activities within Fedora
I use Fedora on a daily basis. I want to be able to spread the Fedora word to all that I come in contact with. As a member of OALUG (Ogden Area Linux Users Group) I will be able to spread the word about Fedora to those Linux users. I also have a blog at: http://linuxroxutah.blogspot.com/ where I can spread the word.