From Fedora Project Wiki

Marcos L. Ortiz Valmaseda
Marcos L. Ortiz Valmaseda
Marcos L. Ortiz Valmaseda
Personal Information
Birthday: 21.1.1986
Birthplace: CU
Language: Spanish, English
Home: Cu,HAV
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: marcosluis
Miscellaneous Information
Private Mail: {{{pmail}}}
GPG-Key: {{{gpg}}}
Homepage: {{{homepage}}}
Jabber: {{{jabber}}}
IRC: marcosluis2186
IRC-channels: {{{irc-channels}}}
ICQ: {{{icq}}}
RHCE Certification: {{{rhce-cert}}}

Marcos L. Ortiz Valmaseda

Want to read the Spanish version? click here :D'

I'm a proud Linux user since 2004 and I want to be part of this amazing community working like a developer with a marked interest in Python, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Hadoop, etc. I´m working now like Senior Software Engineer at UCI (University of Information Sciences) in Havana, Cuba.


Current activities

I want to help to people to adopt Fedora, and I want to help to the Anaconda Team to build the best Installation´s System of the world

  • One of my goals to achieve is to join me to the Fedora Ambassadors Project to be the Fedora´s contact in Cuba