From Fedora Project Wiki

Enzo Matsumiya
Enzo Matsumiya
Enzo Matsumiya
Enzo Matsumiya
Personal Information
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: matsumiya
Miscellaneous Information
Private Mail:
GPG-Key: 470284D3
IRC: enzolovesbacon on Libera.Chat, in:
#osxre, #pwning, #fedora-devel
Badges (12)
Paranoid Panda Involvement Embryo Tadpole Egg Tadpole with Legs Mugshot Don't Call it a Comeback Crypto Panda Crypto Badger White Rabbit Let Me Introduce Myself


Software engineer working on a company that makes neurosurgical equipment in Brazil. The current project I'm working on is a multiplatform desktop application using Qt and Kitware's VTK and ITK.


I only got a few of my own projects on my GitHub page and I made some contributions for the Capstone Engine disassembling framework.

Activities within Fedora

Although a (kind of) long time Fedora user, this is the first time I'm actually getting involved; I'm applying for Google Summer of Code 2016. I expect to start contributing to the project in the kernel and/or driver development, even if I don't get accepted by GSoC.