Personal Info
Name: Mike McGrath
Location/Timezone: Chicago -6
Active Member of Fedora for: 4 years
Fedora Interests: Infrastructure
Hours per week promised: 4
Programming Languages: Python, bash, a little php and perl
Certifications: RHCE
How long using Fedora: Started at FC3
How long using Linux: 12 years
Do you have a full time job working on or with Linux: yes
Do you have a full time job doing development: no
Technology Specialties: Strong admin / infrastructure skills. Good with troubleshooting and performance profiling.
Other notable experiences and skills: Generally a fast learner.
Current Access
What access do you currently have in Fedora? Packager and all infrastructure, pretty much everything but the signing key.
What personal resources do you have that could be of use? Access go a good virtualized environment at home for testing