From Fedora Project Wiki
General Resources
- Git-Cheat sheet--
- pro git book
- interactive rebasing
- git tip of the day
- Good git book @
- git branching model
- Setup Github repository
- git 6 beginner tutorials
- ssh key -> permission denied
- git user manual
- recovering lost - found commits
- git for computer scientists -> git rebase/fetch/merge
- git rebase
- git cola - GUI
- git patch
- cool bash prompts
- are you starter or finisher
- git push amended commit
- you can prevent git merge conflicts by rebasing true
- GOCR] -> GOCR is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program
- git rm --cached <file> - git diff --cached
Other stuff
- install indigo on linux
- Share pic, video -> tinypic
- gnome cheatsheet
- dia for UML design
- yum install libreoffice-writer -> open documents
- open-format
- regex generator
- eclipse projects on cvs
- creating polls - also doodle
- online converter
- hudson