From Fedora Project Wiki

Fedora Packager Project


week 1
- Go through instructions @ [ fedora packager]
- Set up the Fedora Packager -> removed the errors: installed eclipse-pde, httpcomponents-client, SWTBot (from within Eclipse)
- Create FAS account / Eclipse bugzilla / Red Hat bugzilla
- Go through steps of creating a package and everything a new user should do @ Join_the package_collection_maintainers
- Work with sample packages like Mercurial-Eclipse (cloned from mercurial repo), then create the spec file to see how fedora packager on eclipse works. Use eclipse-mylyn package as a reference (fedora-git: eclipse-mylyn-builds)
- Go through fedora packager guide in eclipse help
week 10 - TODO
Add Internal help content to the wizard - beside the URL
Learn about SWTBOT -> Write a test for this wizard
Share project wizard -> egit (maybe switch to this code)
Page 3 -> feature.xml -> browse for the source -> add it to the temp
Create .spec file -> first just using the specfile template then using feature.xml
Debug -> -> rpm.core -> testImportHellloWorld