From Fedora Project Wiki

Julian DeVille
Julian DeVille
Julian DeVille
Julian DeVille
Personal Information
Born: 1995.01.08 in
Home: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: peaceblaster
Miscellaneous Information

IRC: peaceblaster on Libera.Chat, in:
#fedora #fedora-ambassadors #fedora-art
Badges (0)

I appreciate you taking the time to browse my page. My name is Julian DeVille, I am an incoming freshman at Eastern Kentucky University, and hope to major in general Computer Science. I have been tinkering with every computer I could get my hands on since I was a child, and hope to continue to do so for the duration of my life. I love the idea of open source software, and hope to contribute to it as much as possible; I have chosen Fedora as I've found it to be the happy medium between efficiency, out-of-the-box functionality, and is not too intimidating to newer users. My first GNU/Linux operating system was Mint, but I migrated to Fedora shortly after installing it as Fedora ran more smoothly, had a better interface (I was not yet familiar with how desktop managers worked), and supported my dual-monitor system out-of-the-box.

I hope to contribute to Fedora more as I learn to program, and reach a skill level which could contribute to the project. For now, I plan to contribute by spreading the word to my peers and community, and designing merchandice and wallpapers. I also run a blog with tutorials for Unix-based operating systems, and news on their progression.[1]

Other Contacts

  • gmail:
  • Twitter: @JudeDeVille
  • Google+:

Activities within Fedora


I make artwork and designs that will hopefully be used for t-shirts or wallpapers


I spread the word to my peers and fellow students.