Linux/Fedora specific
Paul W. Frields has been a Linux user and enthusiast since 1997, and joined the Fedora Documentation Project in 2003, shortly after the launch of Fedora. As contributing writer, editor, and a founding member of the Fedora Board, Paul has worked on a variety of tasks, including guides and tutorials, website publishing, and toolchain development. He is the lead developer of the PulseCaster application and also maintains a number of packages in the Fedora repository. In February 2008, Paul joined Red Hat as the Fedora Project Leader, where he oversaw six releases of the distribution. He currently is an engineering manager for Red Hat, and lives with his wife and two children in Virginia.
General bio
Paul W. Frields has been an open source user, contributor, and advocate for over twenty years. In 2008, after a career as an analyst and a forensic examiner and instructor in the public sector, he joined Red Hat, the world's leading provider of open source, enterprise IT solutions. His first role was leading the Fedora Project, a global community of free and open source software enthusiasts sponsored by Red Hat, where he was also a volunteer since 2003. He went on to coordinate the development of the next major version of the company's flagship product, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. He is currently a senior manager for emerging operating systems, and his team members span the globe working on Fedora and CentOS infrastructure, release engineering and application services; as well as RHEL platform issues such as bring-up and modularity. In is spare time he is a performing musician, songwriter, and producer, and co-host of the Practical Bass podcast. He continues to work from his home in Virginia where he lives with his wife, two children, a dog, and an ever increasing arsenal of basses and other musical gear.
Under 500 character version
Paul W. Frields has been a Linux user and enthusiast since 1997, and joined the Fedora Project in 2003, shortly after launch. He was a founding member of the Fedora Project Board, and has worked on documentation, website publishing, advocacy, toolchain development, and maintaining software. He joined Red Hat as Fedora Project Leader from February 2008 to July 2010, and remains with Red Hat as a senior engineering manager. He currently lives with his wife and two children in Virginia.