From Fedora Project Wiki

Rajeev Ravi Krishna

R. K. Rajeev
[[Image:{{{image}}}|center|250px|R. K. Rajeev]]
Fedora Information
FAS name: rajeevrk
Fedora email:
IRC nick: ShadowCaptian / RajeevRK
IRC channels: VERY rarely on - #fedora-india
Fedorapeople page:
Badges (17)
Paranoid Panda Involvement Riddle Me This Let Me Introduce Myself Embryo Froglet Tadpole Egg Tadpole with Legs Adult Frog Crypto Panda Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build I) Origin Junior Badger (Badger I) Don't Call it a Comeback Mugshot nest-attendee-2020

A Long time RedHat user and advocate(Since Redhat 4.2). Full time Open-Source Consultant and Trainer.


  • Fedora Account: rajeevrk
  • Email: rajeevrk AT fedoraproject DOT org, rajeevrk AT xlncenterprises DOT com, rajeevrk AT gmail DOT com
  • IRC: ShadowCaptian / RajeevRK. rarely on IRC, but when i'm on, you should see me in #fedora and #fedora-india.
  • Fedora WikiName: RajeevRK
  • Organization: Proprietor of XLNC Enterprises - specializes in Open Source Integration and Training.
  • Location: Mumbai, India
  • Activities: Fedora and FOSS Advocacy, FOSS Consulting and training, Generally helping out anyone nearby with Fedora and Linux issues. If you're in Mumbai, and need assistance, feel free to contact me.