From Fedora Project Wiki

This project aims to empower nations to generate the necessary resources to contribute, in general, to the Fedora Project.


  • Promote worldwide collaboration
  • Prevent effort duplication (segmentation)
  • Promote more specific SIGs
  • Enable regionalization (spins, other official repos, etc)
  • Broaden Fedora's reach within specific sectors.



  • Fedora is supported by Red Hat.
  • There is a lot of general and generic worldwide collaboration.
  • SIGs are general/generic.


  • Nation-wide groups could enable many more options for the worldwide community; providing customization and more options.
  • There are projects that could be risen and maintained by a nation or a group of nations.
  • More, less general, SIGs could be promoted within nations.


Fedora Nation

  • Fedora Nation SIGs

Possible Projects

More Spìns

Fedora could generate many more spins and kickstarts included in Anaconda.

Localized art and even specific customization (WiFi/WiMax/Mobile net standards, etc).

Local Packagers User Groups

Local packager groups could be created in order to maintain and co-maintain.

On-hands meetings could be hosted within all kinds of companies, schools and LUGs.

Long Term Support

Long term support could be promoted within nations. Local companies, governments and schools could sponsor mirrors and packagers; making Fedora a much more serious contender.