Rodolfo Daniel Arce Sannemann, RHCSA

GNU/Linux Systems Administrator. Information security and education enthusiast.
I work as systems administrator. My carreer started when I was given administration of a hospital's server infrastructure. I worked as systems administrator for the OLPC deployment in Paraguay in 2009, that's when i first worked in the educational area. I currently work as system administrator for the Ministry of Health in Paraguay, where we are currently working on migrating all servers and workstations to GNU/Linux.
I give lectures nation-wide about GNU/Linux. I visited Caaguazu, Pilar, Misiones, Encarnación y Ayolas (Paraguay) giving lectures about GNU/Linux.
Actividades / Activities
- Festival Latinoamericano de Software Libre (FLISOL) - Coordinador nacional / National Coordinator (2010,2012)
- Comunidad Software Libre Paraguay (Cosolpy) - Miembro fundador / Founding Member
- Cooperativa de Soluciones Libres del Paraguay (Coopsolpy) - Miembro fundador / Founding Member
- Mesa Multisectorial de Software Libre (MMSL) - Presidente / President (2011-2012)
Referencias / References
Localidad / Location
Asunción, Paraguay