From Fedora Project Wiki

Anderson da Silva Melo
[[Image:|thumb|center|Anderson da Silva Melo]]
Personal Information
Birthday: Julho 26th 1992
Birthplace: Ilhéus - BA [[File:]]
Home: Rua Arthur bernardes , Ilhéus - Bahia, Brasil
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: silvamlo
Miscellaneous Information
private Mail:
GPG-Key: {{{gpg}}}
Homepage: http://
Twitter: {{{twitter}}}
Gtalk: {{{gtalk}}}
Skype: {{{skype}}}
IRC: silvamlo on Freenode in
#fedora-latam #fedora-br
Badges (9)
Don't Call it a Comeback Paranoid Panda Involvement Tadpole with Legs Origin Egg Froglet Embryo Tadpole

About me

I am trained in computer science from the UNIFENAS-MG, Cryptography and Security Specialist UFF-RJ and am currently studying the MSc in Science of Computation UFES-ES. I am lecturer at UNISAM, where Minister discipline the Algorithm I and II, Object Oriented Programming, Web Programming and Advanced Topics II. Organized the event "Primeiro Encontro de Software Livre do Extremo Sul da Bahia", also participated in events as a speaker.

Language Supported: Brazilian Portuguese and English

How I support Fedora

Currently collaborates with the fedora through participation in events, talking about the community in general and organize events. Most want to contribute to the team translation and packaging.

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