From Fedora Project Wiki

Sinny Kumari
Sinny Kumari
Sinny Kumari
Sinny Kumari
Personal Information
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: sinnykumari
Miscellaneous Information

IRC: ksinny on Libera.Chat, in:
#fedora-india,#fedora-devel, #fedora-ppc, #fedora-s390x, #fedora-qa
Badges (77)
Egg Let Me Introduce Myself If you build it... (Koji Success II) Bloggin' it! (Planet II) Bloggin' it! (Planet III) Bloggin' it! (Planet I) Baby Badger Junior Badger (Badger I) If you build it... (Koji Success I) You can call me "Patches" (SCM I) Like a Rock (Updates-Stable I) It still works! In Search of the Bull (Tester I) Associate Editor Flock 2016 Speaker DevConf 2017 Attendee Is this thing on? (Updates-Testing II) Like a Rock (Updates-Stable II) Flock 2017 Attendee Senior Badger (Badger II) Rockin' & Rollin' Helping Hand Let's do lunch! Flock 2018 Attendee DevConf 2019 Attendee Fedora 33 CoreOS Test Day Froglet Lets have a party Fedora 34 I Voted: Fedora 34 Adult Frog Nest with Fedora 2022 Attendee Bona Fide Involvement Embryo FUDCon Pune 2015 Speaker FUDCon Pune 2015 Attendee Origin Take this and call me in the morning You can call me "Patches" (SCM II) Macaron (Cookie I) Perceiving the Bull (Tester III) Catching the Bull (Tester IV) Speak Up! Fedora 28 Change Accepted Maestro Black and White (Cookie III) Rollercoaster Restaurant Flock 2019 Attendee Pizzelle (Cookie IV) You’re on a boat! You can call me "Patches" (SCM III) Parselmouth I nest-attendee-2020 Tadpole with Legs Nest Attendee 2021 Junior Editor What goes around comes around (Karma I) Is this thing on? (Updates-Testing I) Corporate Drone Mugshot Tadpole Associate Badger (Badger 1.5) Discovery of the Footprints (Tester II) Flock 2016 Attendee Senior Editor Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build I) Secretary General Steampunk Arcade Top 500 If you build it... (Koji Success III) Bloggin' it! (Planet IV) Master Editor Chocolate Chip (Cookie II) Crypto Panda Extra!  Extra! Fedora 34 CoreOS Test Day Lets have a party Fedora 35