From Fedora Project Wiki

Tanzeel Khan
Tanzeel Khan
Tanzeel Khan
Tanzeel Khan
Personal Information
Home: Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir India.
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: tanzeelkhan
Miscellaneous Information
Private Mail:
IRC: Tanzeel_Khan (ChatZilla) on Libera.Chat, in:
Badges (11)
Origin Embryo Tadpole Paranoid Panda Involvement Let Me Introduce Myself Junior Editor Egg Mugshot Froglet Tadpole with Legs

About Me

I'm front-end Developer and FOSS enthusiast from Srinagar Kashmir India.
I grew up with not too much to do. In an attempt to stay out of trouble I turned my focus to art,which later simply funneled down into design. A variety of daily tasks for me include front end development,
web layout and design, print and social marketing campaigns.
I love contributing to Open Source Projects.Currently,I am Contributing to Mozilla,Drupal,OS Kashmir and other Open Source Projects.I am Founder of Mozilla Kashmir Community and Club Lead of Kashmir Mozilla Club
I have also founded Open Source Kashmir
I would love to contribute to fedora as well

As a FPA my Objectives are:

  • Enhance Fedora´s presence in unrepresented Regions
  • Improve the Membership and regional Mentoring Process
  • Establish better regional Leadership
  • Establish measurability not only for Membership also for Success of Events
  • Invent new ways to encourage people to contribute to the Fedora Project
  • represent Fedora Project to the wider public.
  • help spread the word about Fedora, Linux, and Open Source.
  • be a point of contact for local community members and channel the feedback to Fedora Project.
  • help recruit project contributors.
  • Think of creative ways for promoting Fedora in my region
  • develop marketing strategy to promote the usage and support of Fedora worldwide.
  • support the efforts of other Fedora projects to spread Fedora and help provide a central repository of ideas and information that can be used to deliver Fedora to new audiences.
  • help the Fedora Free Media Program to distribute Fedora media (DVDs & CD's) for free to individuals.
  • become a mentor in the Fedora community and help, empower and mentor people in your area of expertise.

When I’m not busy at work I love spending my time outdoors, particularly Trekking, Gaming, Photography.Apart from web design I also enjoy listening to music and playing games.

Amusing Details:
I am happiest when taking pictures , or hanging out with friends. I’m not a fan of olives and my favorite color is black.


Twitter: @khantanzeel

IRC: Tanzeel_Khan (ChatZilla)