From Fedora Project Wiki

Tiago Rocha
[[Image:|center|250px|Tiago Rocha]]
Fedora Information
FAS name: tiagorocha
Fedora email:
IRC nick: tiagorocha
IRC channels: #fedora-ambassadors, #fedora-br
Fedorapeople page:
Badges (16)
Paranoid Panda Don't Call it a Comeback Involvement Let Me Introduce Myself Embryo In Search of the Bull (Tester I) Discovery of the Footprints (Tester II) nest-attendee-2020 Junior Badger (Badger I) Egg Crypto Badger White Rabbit Crypto Panda Tadpole Tadpole with Legs Froglet

Tiago Rocha

Half Engineer, half Hacker, a FLOSS (Free/Libre and Open Source Software) and DevOps enthusiast. Specialist in IT Management and Computer Networking.

Contact Information