안녕하세요! Hello! This is David Pyun, a.ka Triple.Rhu. I am a huge Korean fan of Fedora. I will summarise about myself below there.
- Name: David Pyun.
- Location: Studying Singapore for now.
- FAS-Username: triplerhu
- Language: Korean(전 정말로 한국인이 맞답니다. 안 믿으면 말고. :D)
- Student, 7th Grade only...?
Who I am?
Well, before I say, I am a huge fan of Classical music. Ok, moving right along (hmm?), I have a pretty low level as in knowledge in computer compared to people using Fedora, but I can write some basic commands line such as 'su', 'yum install -y firefox' and etc.
Me, and Fedora
Well, I'd say it wasn't the first linux I have ever used; the first one I used was Ubuntu 2.04, when I was only 4. So? It didn't matter. I found out about Fedora about 2 years ago, becoming a large and huge fan of it, as in it's GUI, Fedora in KDE,(WAY BETTER THEN KUBUNTU!) and lots of stuff. I would be very pleasured to be a part of Fedora Project, especially KDE, because I love the beauty it's got.
I have NOT got a GPG yet. Sorry!