Hon Nguyen | |
![]() | |
Personal Information | |
Birthday: | 24. Dec. 1991 |
Birthplace: | {{{birthplace}}} |
Home: | Can Tho, Vietnam |
Fedora-specific Information | |
FAS-Name: | Vanhonit |
Fedora-Mail: | Vanhonit@fedoraproject.org |
Fedorapeople: | http://Vanhonit.fedorapeople.org |
Miscellaneous Information | |
private Mail: | {{{pmail}}} |
GPG-Key: | [1] |
Homepage: | vanhonit.wordpress.com |
Jabber: | vanhonit@gmail.com |
IRC: | vanhonit |
ICQ: | |
Hon Nguyen
My name is Hon. I from Vietnam and i am Fedora user. I started work with opensource in 2009. Now, I work full-time with opensource, fedora.
Member of:
Want to be a member of:
- Began Fedora user in 2010.
Special Interests
Personal Projects
- Create a custom spin with Fedora Kickstarter File
I want to work for Fedora as a Package Maintainer. ATM I'm still learning about the Fedora community and work hard on improving my English.
I was not yet sponsored by anyone. I hope it will happen soon as I understand more how to contribute within the community.
I am in the process of joining the Ambassadors
- 2013, I want become Fedora Ambassador. Join organizers Fedora 19 Release Party in Can Tho. Develop Fedora group user in my hometown.
- In feature, work with Ambassador in Vietnam contributed Fedora community in Vietnam.
Here is a list of events I attended (or will attend) or helped organizing.
- 2010
- FOSSASIA, Community Event, November 11.-12, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- 2011
- Cantholug Day, July 7, Can Tho, Vietnam
- FOSSASIA, November 12.-14, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- 2012
- GNOME.Asia, Hong Kong
- Open Source Sprints Can Tho, August 10.-15, Can Tho, Vietnam