This page shows you how you can use your iPhone or iPod Touch with Fedora 13 or higher.
Software compatibility
This page has been tested with Fedora 13 Alpha and the following software:
- libgpod-0.7.91-1.fc13
- rhythmbox-0.12.7-3.fc13
Hardware compatibility
This page has been tested and is known to work with the following models of iPhone and iPod Touch:
- iPhone 3G (model B048), firmware 3.1.2
You do not need a jailbroken iPhone to use this page.
Make sure your iPhone or iPod Touch is completely backed up before you begin, in case of a problem.
Once you start syncing your iPhone or iPod Touch with Linux, do not resume using the iTunes application on your computer since this will make your unit unreadable to Linux.
First, don't panic. You can completely reset your iPhone or iPod Touch by visiting the Settings application, and choosing General > Reset > Erase all Content and Settings.
Then restore your unit using the backup you made above.
- Make sure no applications are running that might seize control of the iPhone or iPod Touch. This includes virtualization tools, Fedora's photo manager, ifuse, or any other connected software.