From Fedora Project Wiki
Zikula 2009-07-22
- Sparks
- poelcat
- stickster
- ke4qqq
- laubersm
Last Meeting
Packaging Status
- blocked on several fronts because of licensing
- Zikula#Module_status
- stickster to push zikula-module-News to stable
- stickster to resolve phpSmug naming, build and push
- Sparks to review license problems in scribite! to determine if he can just remove the "broken" pieces.
- ke4qqq: review stickster's renamed packages
- ke4qqq will contact upstream authors of cc-licensed js by eow and see if relicensing can happen.
- Given blocking issues we are slipping Go Live date by one week
2009-08-18- 2009-08-25
Test Instance
- Not much has happened yet
- We'll need to deploy in staging and maybe we'll end up just using staging temporarily/copying the database to production after alpha
- mmcgrath recommends at least a week of testing before going to production including load testing
- ACTIONS: Need to set a date to template the conf files for puppet and create package lists, etc.
Project Management
- A more detailed schedule is needed
- ACTIONS: Poelcat to work on creating draft schedule by the first part of next week and follow through on coordinating finalizing it
IRC Logs
- Minutes:
- Minutes (text):